Access Consciousness BARS

The BARS consist of 32 points on the head, which hold the energetic charges of the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions and considerations that you have picked up and stored in your lifetime.

Access Consciousness BARS - BodytalkTherapy Durban Westville

Access Consciousness BARS

The BARS are activated by gently touching the head, each set of BARS are held for around 5-10 minutes and it feels amazing! When your BARS begin to ‘run’ you might notice and be aware of the sensation of energy moving through your body or you’ll just peacefully nod off to sleep.

By having your BARS run you are freeing up all the stagnant energy held in your body by un-serving beliefs and you’ll begin to feel lighter and more at ease with life. You are basically getting rid of all the junk you’ve been collecting, its like a mental spring clean!

Benefits of have BARS:

  • Helps reduce Stress
  • Extremely Relaxing
  • Relieves symptoms of Depression and Anxiety
  • Aids Sleep
  • Beneficial for ADD and ADHD
  • Safe and wonderful way to relax during Pregnancy
  • Increased focus
  • Increased feelings of joy and wellbeing

Apart from having your BARS run, you can also ask your practitioner about clearing statements taught in BARS Access. Clearing statements are used to get you out of negative thought patterns, which often make you feel heavy and a little lack luster to say the least. Keeping your thoughts positive and learning to live in the question allows you to move into a more expansive space where possibilities are endless! Its great fun too.

Come and experience the wonders of BARS with us!